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Compendium of ‘rage and anger’

A television news reporter was talking to the boss of the Wagner Mercenary group during the Russian/Ukraine war, and asked the question: ‘Why do you only recruit men from prisons?…


Whitewash Battlemind is the title of the brochure issued by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to military personnel returning to the UK after their deployment in conflicts. The pamphlet shows…

Can of Worms (Do Not Open)!

Can of Worms (Do Not Open)! Tragically, when Britain’s politicians decide to commit the country’s Armed Forces into a military conflict, it really means they are opening a door into…

The Legacy of Tours

A Veteran’s Legacy from Northern Ireland Tours-Of-Duty by Aly Renwick Operation Banner, the military name for the active deployment of British troops in Northern Ireland, lasted 38 years from 1969…

Scapegoats by Jimmy Johnson

On Saturday, December 24th, 2022, the Daily Mail published an article by David Barrett: ‘Dangerous prisoners let out on Christmas Eve, warns Labour’. Violent criminals and sex offenders were let…
Survival Guide Cover

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General the Lord Dannatt

A Foreword
Read the Foreword written by General the Lord Dannatt