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#Erwin James It is with deep sadness that we have learnt that our dear friend Erwin James died suddenly last month. Erwin was a good friend to Jimmy. Erwin, a…
January 2024 News Update
Happy New Year! #TeamJimmy are delighted to share the January 2024 news update! #Book Sales Update We have started the year with several book sales! It’s always exciting when…
December 2023 News Update Jimmy Johnson Veterans’ Survival
Christmas Greetings and warm wishes! #TeamJimmy are delighted to share the December 2023 news update! #Social Media Update Our November Update gathered lots of interest on social media. With…
The Christmas Truce of 1914 by Aly Renwick
The Christmas Truce of 1914 by Aly Renwick In World War One, the trench system on the Western Front extended from the North Sea to the Swiss Frontier. Over the…
November 2023 News Update
#Remembrance It’s been another busy month; however, we start this update by taking a moment to remember and pay our respects to those brave military personnel on #RemembranceSunday, #LestWeForget2303, The…
October 2023 News Update
October 2023 News Update Hello there! Welcome to the October 2023 news update. #TeamJimmy meet Oliver Parker, Director of the Great Escaper At a recent screening of The Great Escaper…
Accrington Pals by Aly Renwick
THE ACCRINGTON PALS: The Rise & Fall of the Pals Battalions in World War One by Aly Renwick. During the early part of Queen Victoria’s reign, there had always been…
September News 2023 Update
I am excited to bring you the latest news. @VeteransJimmy has grown over the past month to 269 followers. In a recent tweet about ‘Stay Alive’ a veteran suicide prevention guide…
August 2023 News Update
August 2023 News Update I am pleased to bring you the latest Jimmy Johnson Veterans Survival news. The summer giveaway competition winner @Buddy_Checker has kept in touch. Jimmy’s website details have now been added…
NOBLE HORSES: In Combat during World War One by Aly Renwick
NOBLE HORSES: In Combat during World War One by Aly Renwick In Britain today, on special occasions, the Household Cavalry will parade their noble well-bred horses before admiring crowds in…