The British Army is the most professional battle hardened Army in the world, due to its years of fighting in many conflicts since the late 1960s. But to achieve such a status, it really means that British combat troops are the most effective and efficient killing machines on the planet!
Example: on Sunday, 12 June 2022, BBC Two showed a documentary programme called: ‘Our Falklands War. A frontline story’. This moving poignant film talked to ten men who served in the conflict, as they recalled ‘a dirty, horrible, wet, stinking war’ and one that lives on in their memories some 40 years after they came home.

Yet the most notable recollections of these veterans were about their physical contact in hand to hand fighting with the Argentinian troops in the trenches, especially when they talked of some Argentinian soldiers actually putting sleeping bags over their heads and pretending that this nightmare was not happening!
Tragically, the big difference between British troops and Argentinians, was that the British soldiers were only intent on killing the enemy and moving on to the next objective – nothing personal but just kill the human being in front of you, and advance on to the next!
The Argentinian troops were the enemy and clearly had to be eliminated because they were a threat to the lives of British soldiers. Clearly this British killing machine had subconsciously been ‘switched-on’ during the soldiers voyage down to the Falklands, by dehumanisation and instilling a policy of ‘Kill! Kill! Kill! The Argies’.
However, not one of the British soldiers who fought in the Falklands or the many other conflicts since the late 1960s were ever de-programmed from this implanted violence. This was obviously evident in the case of the ex-Paratrooper who wore dark glasses every time he went out of his home, to prevent innocent people seeing the rage and anger in his eyes – still ready to inflict extreme violence on innocent victims!

Scandalously, the high numbers of combat veterans in the prison population serving sentences for extreme violence – including the most heinous crimes rape and murder, is proof that combat veterans were never de-programmed from this violence on their return home to peacetime surroundings.
It is nothing short of criminal when past and present Governments ignore the ‘Butchers Bill’, or the consequences of subconsciously implanting in combat veterans’ minds the extraordinary skills of extreme violence prior to their service in conflicts, only then to disregard, disown or abandon the need to de-programme the veterans from this violent conditioning once their service is done. It disastrously creates a myriad of injustices in the Criminal Justice System of wrong sentencing, especially when this mentally implanted violence is never taken into account at the time of their arrests or trials – which betrays everything these combat veterans have ever fought for and believed in!
Thankfully, combat veterans can now be de-programmed from this implanted extreme violence – using the ‘Break Off’ and ‘Focused Meditation and Visualisation’ programmes, by Jimmy Johnson.
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