I am excited to bring you the latest https://www.jimmyjohnsonveteranssurvival.co.uk news.

@VeteransJimmy has grown over the past month to 269 followers. In a recent tweet about ‘Stay Alive’ a veteran suicide prevention guide – available at: https://www.jimmyjohnsonveteranssurvival.co.uk/product/stay-alive/ Jimmy received a touching repost from @JailKev.  #TeamJimmy have reached out to Kev, and he now has an e-book of Stay Alive and The Guide.

Jimmy has also received this most wonderful book review by @Buddy_Checker our competition winner. Available at: https://thebuddychecker.wordpress.com/2023/08/28/book-review/

“Jimmy’s book, “The Veterans’ Survival Guide” is first class reading for any Veteran trying to cope and navigate their way around all the varying aspects of PTSD.

Jimmy gives an uncensored and deeply personal account as a former soldier in Northern Ireland. Jimmy shares his combat story in raw, candid, gritty detail, leaving no stone left unturned. His story comes directly from the heart. He lays out what life was like prior to realizing he may have post-traumatic stress, how his life spun wildly out of control, how he sought help, and all the challenges involved along the way.

Jimmy leaves nothing out, allowing himself to be open and vulnerable on the page. If you’re a Veteran who has gone through changes since returning to civilian life and finding it hard to cope and don’t understand why, this book is for you. If you’re a Veteran trying to take the first step into therapy, or if you’re a seasoned Veteran receiving help but want to learn more, this book is for you. From the first pages you’ll be drawn into Jimmy’s world, see things from his perspective, feel his struggles, cheer his triumphs, and will relate to those two steps forward, one step back days. You’ll applaud the soldier who removed his mask so that other soldiers can learn to heal too. Thank you, Jimmy, for writing a valuable resource for all those who served and came home wounded.”

Available at: https://www.jimmyjohnsonveteranssurvival.co.uk/product/the-veterans-survival-guide-by-jimmy-johnson/

Jimmy was most touched by this review and is delighted that The Guide continues to provide support to veterans and their families.

Aly Renwick, a co-founder of VIP latest article ‘NOBLE HORSES: In Combat during World War 1’, has taken a look at this aspect of warfare. Providing insight into the traumatic life of the many horses used in combat. Available as an attachment and on the website:  https://www.jimmyjohnsonveteranssurvival.co.uk/noble-horses-in-combat-during-world-war-one-by-aly-renwick/

Finally, the website continues on its journey with 49 users in the past 30 days. We have interest from United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Austria and Canada, including towns and cities such as London, Edinburgh, Wolverhampton, Columbus, Manchester, Norwich, Luton, Stourbridge, Ashburn, Bletchley, Clarendon, Durham, Fleetwood, Guildford, Keele, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Montreal, Newcastle, Peterlee, San Francisco, Sunderland, Vienna, Wigan, Winchester and Wurzburg, a city in Germany’s Bavaria region.

Kind thoughts and warm wishes